In the present age, smoking teenagers have become very rampant. By teenage, we refer to the age period between one’s thirteen to nineteen. Despite its view as negative health behaviour, smoking tendencies can be perceived in youngsters from their teenage.
Teenagers quickly become addicted to it. Regardless of region or country, the prevalence of teenage smoking is far and wide.

Why are smoking tendencies higher among teenagers? Why is the number of teenage smokers increasing? There are indeed many factors behind teenage smoking tendencies. We must have a closer look at the factors contributing to these teenage smokers issue. However, as a parent, you should also take care of teen trouble factors.
Smoking Teenagers: Teenage Smoking Facts And Influences
Acceptance Of Teenage Smoking As A New Trend
Most teenagers think that smoking makes them look “fancy.” They have accepted this as the new trend. Most teenagers find it cool since it makes them look adult-like as well. They also think smoking makes them classy, and they can make new friends. In many cases, rather than keep up with their friends, teens start smoking.
Teenage smoking tendencies make them act as if they were somebody dangerous or unique.
Influence And Encouragement Of Friends Influences The Smoking Teenagers
Many teens start smoking by the influence of friends and, by time, get addicted to it. In many cases, you might as well see that the most unexpected person is addicted to smoking just by the influence of friends.
Peer smoking impacts teenage smoking in remarkable ways. Peer pressure widely recognizes as a crucial factor leading to teenagers’ experimentation with tobacco and their willingness to continue smoking. Moreover, research has shown that peer pressure is more robust in getting the teen involved in smoking.
Parental Influence And Imitating Adults Increase Teenage Smokers
It is a natural tendency of young minds to follow their adults and imitate them. According to research from Purdue University, teens who smoke are significantly influenced by their parents, older siblings, and elders – as they see their elders smoking, they start smoking as well.
Maternal smoking affects the initiation of smoking in both sons and daughters equally. Parents smoking around children can expose them to such risks.
Curiosity Increases The Number Of Teenage Smokers
Curiosity killed the cat Dozens of studies on adolescents worldwide shows why teenagers tend to smoke. It is because of interest.
When you were a teenager, you certainly smoked. Who has never smoked? You might wonder how it feels like to smoke and have the urge to smoking. Since smoking is forbidden, it becomes more alluring for teens.
They try smoking for the first time out of curiosity and thus become absolutely addicted to it.
Teenage Smoking – A Response To Stress
Many people smoke when they are stressed. They use smoking as a way to cope. While many smokers believe that smoking relieves stress, it is actually a significant cause. New research reveals that people who smoke are more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety. On the other hand, it also shows that those who smoke suffer from a lack of motivation and being physically inactive.
Smoking Teenagers And Emotion
Most teenagers find a reason to smoke. And it is as a response to stress from school, family, or relationships. According to them, it gives them a kind of ‘refreshment.’ Besides, due to relationship failures, teenagers develop smoking tendencies. Keep in mind. Dissociative Identity Disorder is also one of the reasons for stress.
Most smokers use nicotine to regulate their emotions. Smoking offers the illusion of going through life with the least amount of pain and the most outstanding amount of pleasure. You will probably hardly find a packet of cigarette which doesn’t state “Smoking kills” or “Smoking harms this/that organ.” In fact, even in different shows exposing cigarettes and tobacco, they’ll never fail to remind you that “smoking causes cancer.”
The Affect Of Smoking In Few Words
Human body is very vulnerable to the harmful effects of smoking since smoking nearly harms every bodily organ and deteriorates a person’s overall health. Likewise, exposure to others’ cigarette smoke can result in severe disease and premature death in nonsmoking adults and children.
Nicotine in cigarette smoke contributes to the significant risk of stroke, brain damage, heart attack, COPD, hardening of arterial walls, lung cancer, emphysema, bronchial disorders, cancer, and so many more serious diseases! Besides health factors, cigarette smoke is also polluting the environment. Youth are more sensitive to nicotine. Though e-cigarettes (electronic cigarettes) contain less harmful toxins than regular cigarettes, they are not regarded safe, especially for children, teenagers, young adults, and pregnant women. E-cigarettes can provide high doses of nicotine, which is classified as a dangerous poison. E-cigarette batteries can explode. The results and damages of these can be permanent. No matter how you smoke it, tobacco is hazardous to your health. There is no safe way to smoke.
Smoking Teenagers Replacing Cigarettes With E-Cigarette
Replacing cigarettes with e-cigarette or hookah won’t help. Ultimately, as a smoker, you are pushing yourself towards death with your own hands. However, keep in mind that teenagers’ smoking tendency increases because of the influence. They feel like actors and actresses in a cinema. Thus, they also start using e-cigarette and vape.
How To Check Back Smoking Teenagers?
Let’s dig in some ways to save ourselves from this catastrophe –
• Have proper knowledge – As a teen, know the potentially harmful effects of smoking on yourself and others too. Smoking doesn’t make you cool either. As a parent, educate your teens.
• Better alone than in bad company – It is essential to choose proper friends who will not get you involved in harmful acts. Don’t get involved in smoking under the influence of peers or parents. Make good friends.
• Adapt healthy habits – There are innumerable ways to get rid of stress, and indeed, smoking isn’t one. Nicotine stimulates more stress symptoms. Exercise regularly. Practice relaxation techniques, i.e., yoga. Have a proper diet. Avoid triggers that increase the urge for tobacco. Chew on something when you have an increased desire.
• Dear Parents, keep your teen busy by involving them in different sports, volunteering activities, exercise, and not in anti-social activities. On the other hand, apply financial pressure, i.e., reducing pocket money, to prevent your teen from smoking. Moreover, as a parent, keep an eye on your children’s friends – if they make a terrible company or good one. Make sure you give them proper time and counselling. Attend smoking prevention campaigns and program with your child. Ensure their adequate diet.
• Setting positive examples – If you are a smoking parent, it is wiser to quit smoking. Children learn directly from their parents. Do not encourage smoking and restrict your children from smoking.
• Amending laws – Advertisement and promotional activities of tobacco have to be restricted. Besides, more taxes should be imposed on cigarettes to reduce the purchase.
Smoking Teenagers: Expert Advice
Bottom Lines
Teenager’s age is somewhat more colorful. At such an age, every teen sees the world with an eye of curiosity. But unfortunately, due to peer pressure or bad company, they start spoiling their life. Teenage smoking is just the beginning. If you can not check back well, your teen may step in the wrong way. So, give them time. Educate them. Moreover, discuss the adverse effect of smoking and even alcohol.
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