According to CDC surveys, child behavior problems are a common domestic issue diagnosed in approximately 4.5 million children. These behavioral problems can significantly impede emotional and mental development, destroying their personal and social lives.
This article deals with the significant teen behavior issues and gives guidelines on parental roles in tackling this issue.
Examples Of Child Behavior Problems
Disruptions in child behavior can take a variety of forms. Let us discuss the most common child behavior problems:
Constant Irritability And Tantrums
Moodiness and violent behavior is a significant symptom of teen behavior issues. While mood swings and irritation are common during adolescence due to changes in hormonal activity, an excess of it could be harmful to your child. Children can often resort to aggression when they are under the impact of trauma, frustration, or a psychotic disorder.
Toxic Self-Esteem
Poor self-esteem is an epidemic that feeds on thousands of teenagers from all over the world. Statistics have shown that 75% of girls who suffer from poor self-esteem engage in self-destructive behaviors such as eating disorders, drug addiction, pornography, and bullying. Many children become utterly frustrated due to the feeling of “not being good enough,” which causes them to indulge in violent behavior.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
ADHD is a condition marked by an ongoing pattern of restlessness, hyperactivity, and impulsive behavior. This is a prevalent chronic teen behavior issue that can be seen in millions of children worldwide. Other symptoms could include incessant talking, fidgeting, lack of concentration, and excessive physical movement. On the other hand, Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) is also another child behavior problem.
Social Awkwardness
Some people indeed prefer solitude more than gatherings, but extreme isolation could reflect teen behavior issues. If you notice your child being unusually involved in isolation, it could be a symptom of masked depression or social anxiety.
Lying Is Another Child Behavior Problems
Though lying can deem as a common trait amongst children, an excess of it could indicate flaws in child behavior. People usually lie to create a better self-image, attract attention, and escape from any situation. You know what? It indeed means that excess lying could be a symptom of inferiority complex, narcissism, fear, or monophobia.
Extreme Defiance And Anger
Constant disobedience and temper tantrums are frequent teen behavior issues that can be more harmful than you think. It is indeed true that there is no harm in breaking the rules or pranking sometimes, but an extensive amount of disobedience could indicate dysfunctional mental health.

Reasons Behind Teen And Child Behavior Issues
Psychologists and mental health experts are constantly on the move to discover more about child behavior problems. These are some of the most common causes behind violent behavior in children:
A report from the WHO states that around 264 million people worldwide suffer from depression, out of which a significant portion includes teenagers. Being a commonly neglected condition, depression is one of the underlying causes behind child behavior problems. And many a time, it even provokes them to the extent of suicide.
Bullying creates the mental downfall of around one out of five children all around the world. With the development of social media, cyberbullying and peer pressure has increased exponentially, hampering child behavior significantly.
Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment is an even more dangerous catalyst for violent behavior because children often feel too embarrassed and insecure to share such experiences with adults. Globally, around 736 million women have been subjected to some form of harassment in their life. The suppressed frustration and guilt of being harassed massively impact child behavior.
Domestic Violence Triggers Child Behavior Problems
Domestic violent behavior such as frequent quarrels among parents, divorce, or financial problems can significantly impact the mental buildup.
Child Behavior Problems: Hormonal Imbalance And Unhealthy Lifestyle
During adolescence, teenagers go through a lot of hormonal changes, which result in frequent mood swings. However, an imbalance of hormones could have a permanent negative impact on their mood. Not only that, unhealthy habits such as drugs, smoking pot, inadequate sleep, binge eating, or starvation can take a massive toll on their physical and mental buildup.
Excessive Stress And Pressure
Stress due to academic, financial, or peer pressure could cause a child to break down in the face of frustration and retort to violent behavior. They might view aggression or disobedience as a method to release the suppressed emotions which dwell within.
Parental Roles In Controlling Child Behavior Problems
These are top tips on parental roles to prevent child behavior problems:
Never Say Never!
Avoid imposing severe restrictions and pessimism is a must-have trait while dealing with child behavior problems. You must remember that negativity cannot extinguish negativity. Develop a positive outlook towards everything and recognize teen behavior issues as simple problems. Then you can solve these quickly without considering these issues as a burden. Appreciate the good and ignore the bad.
Stay Calm
Losing our minds in the face of adversity is a common trap we fall into. If you behave harshly or rudely all the time, it will simply yield a teen behavior issue. Staying calm will also allow you to think wisely and make proper decisions to deal with the situation.
Communicate With A Psychologist
Sometimes the situation might not be entirely in our hands, and in such cases, it is better to seek professional help. They can help to diagnose the exact problem and give prior social counseling, medication, or training.
Do Not Encourage Misdemeanors
Though it has been advised to remain calm and patient, it does not mean you will keep encouraging destructive behavior. Teach your child from a young age how to distinguish between right and wrong.
Be A Friend More Than A Guardian
Amity is a necessary quality to be present in all parents, irrespective of their children’s behavior. Remember to be an inspiration for your child and always encourage them to speak freely with you. And be sure to pay attention to what they say and enjoy with them!
Monitor Online Activites To Deal With Child Behavior Issues
Monitor your children’s online activities to take timely steps when you need them. Be sure child behavior problems also start from the internet. Your teen may use harmful apps. You must monitor well to eliminate the danger for your children.
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Teen behavior issues can sometimes drag us to the bottom of our patience, but whenever patience is the key! Instead of viewing it as a burden or a reason for stress, view it as a challenge to your problem-solving capabilities and see how it all starts dissolving! Children are like a gift to their parents. Therefore, supporting them during a crisis is the utmost responsibility we carry.