Almost every teenager goes through a teenage crisis. Sometimes you may notice that your teen slams the door when she goes out, even without any reason. Sometimes you may also see that your teen’s mood is cloudy. How can you tell the difference between an existential depression and a more severe problem? Even for specialists, it is not always easy.

Their brains are developing, very reactive emotional structures are already in place, while the cortex regions that could inhibit them are far from being mature, resulting in the crisis.
Example Of Teenage Crisis
For most young people, this is just a passage, and they are doing well. For example, 16-year-old Bravo has loving parents, friends, good grades. But gradually, he withdraws into himself and locks himself in his room. So, indeed, his parents are worried. Why does Bravo lock himself in the room?
This boy was going through an existential malaise all the more acute because he thought he was the only one to ask himself these questions. No one had told him that these questions existed for everyone at this tormented moment when one leaves the shores of childhood and parental references to face his own life.
Too many adults take with a smile the problems of the adolescents who surround them. Simultaneously, it is very complicated to face the great upheaval of the body and the head. However, vigilance is required because this can sometimes switch to more worrying disorders (depression, anxiety disorders, a school phobia).
Definition of Teenage Crisis
We speak of teenage crisis or, more commonly of “adolescent crisis” to designate all the troubles and complex behaviors (mood swings, defiant attitudes, opposition to parents, excessive behavior, etc.) which sometimes occur during this period of transition between childhood and adulthood.
We use the notion of crisis because the passage (even from a developmental point of view) between childhood and adulthood is not linear. Puberty brings about significant changes (bodily, hormonal, psychic, and even neurological). This rapid change is in itself a violent phenomenon, as noted by Donald Winnicott in the 1950s. The adolescent loses the bearings of childhood. He can experience it painfully and express it through different expression modes around the adolescent crisis notion.
Warning signs Of Adolscenet Crisis
The pitfall would be to ” pathologize ” everything. Yet, this makes the subject delicate because questioning early on the possibility of psychosis offers a much greater chance of recovery.
Schizophrenia and bipolarity can indeed emerge from the age of 15. These diseases concern 1 to 2% of the general population, knowing that they are poorly evaluated in young people. In most countries, early psychiatric diagnosis remains cautious, particularly so as not to precipitate treatment with antipsychotics, which would be inadequate. But there are some warning signs: a total and lasting change in behavior and the feeling that something ” really abnormal is going on.” If one has such doubts, the young person must be brought to consult without delay. In taking drugs or successive sleepless nights, these psychoses, which make one lose the sense of reality, can be at the origin of suicidal behaviors.
Teen Depression
Sleep disorders are one of the first signs. Also to watch, recurring attention problems, with a drop in school results. On the mood side, depression can manifest itself as irritability and temper tantrums. The combination of several of these symptoms should lead to a consultation. Yes, you should immediately consult a psychotherapist if you find such a warning sign of a teenage crisis.
Anxiety Disorders
Around the age of 14, some teens experience excessive fear that can affect their future, friends, grades, and fear of failing and / or leaving their family. But sadly, some parents avoid this sign thinking that the time will heal. Thus, such anxiety disorder leads to a more complicated situation for the teen.
Panic Disorder
Suddenly, the teenager has trouble breathing. His head spins, and the world around him becomes unreal. This anxiety attack lasts between 10 and 20 minutes. This sudden episode occurs at school and also in transport, so that young people end up isolating themselves and staying at home.
A School Phobia
Pupils without problems develop a fear of panic at the idea of going back to school, and one day they stop in front of their school door. Requests for the management of school phobia are on the rise today.
Outcome Of Teenage Crisis
When our child suffers from such an adolescent crisis, the outcome is horrible to say. The 1st thing developed in the child is that she has no taste for anything. She is bored of everything. On the other hand, she also feels irritated to communicate with parents, family members, friends, and teachers. Besides, she has no more interest in her hobbies. She indeed becomes a person who has no liking for anyone or anything in the world.
Teen Mental Health Crisis During The Pandemic
Adolescent Crisis: Role Of Parents
- Many parents ask what their role should be during a teenage crisis. It is indeed a good sign that parents have a curiosity to know their role during an adolescent problem. However, it is the ignorance of the parents that they do not give their child time. Keep in mind. Prevention is better than cure. It will always be wiser to give your child time from the beginning before the adolescent crisis develops in your child.
- Listen to your child and talk to her. And be busy with your child. Do not leave your child in the care of the school or teachers only. Pass vacation with your child joyfully.
- Introduce sports activities in your family and participate all. Thus, a close bond will develop in your family. Moreover, learn to appreciate your child. Do not constantly complain.
- If your child fails, make her understand that failure is the pillar of success. Do not be like a tyrant and make your child’s life hell.
- Again if you find any teenage crisis symptoms in your child, make an appointment with a psychotherapist.
- It is always to keep an eye on our children’s online activities. It is because you can prevent child sexual assault and TikTok child threat.
Bottom Lines
Remember, if you monitor your children’s online activities, you can also stop digital harassment and teenage suicidal tendencies. Follow our tips to cope-up with an adolescent crisis, and we believe that you will get a good outcome. However, if you question how to keep an eye on your child’s online activities, we recommend using Spyware. It is the most convenient. Which Spyware to use? Spouseware is indeed the best out of the best. Choose the best package for your requirement. And we believe that you will be able to prevent adolescent crisis, anxiety disorder, and school phobia.