It may seem typical for teens to experiment with different substances like – vaping, weed, tobacco, alcohol, etc. Teen Alcohol Addiction has become such an issue nowadays! Regardless of the essence, experimenting with such substances can have adverse effects if not prescribed by a doctor. Besides, it gives birth to the concerns of various teen parents’ conflicts and threatens the lives of adolescents as well.

Adolescent alcoholism never brings any better outcome. However, keep in mind. Being smoking teenagers is the first step before adolescent alcohol addiction. Alcohol abuse decays teens’ life silently. After all, we all know all about the adverse effect of alcohol. Let’s investigate the reasons for adolescent alcohol addiction.
What Are The Reasons For Teen Alcohol Addiction?
On the road to adulthood, adolescents come across and witness various things that are new to them. Out of curiosity and desire to seem like adults, many try alcohol. Since most teens don’t have the mental capacity to realize the consequences of drinking entirely, they end up in trouble. Due to the failure of not being able to give up alcohol, they become addicted to it.
Peer Pressure
Encouragement of peers in participating in such anti-social behavior is one of the significant reasons for Adolescence Alcohol addiction. According to research, peer pressure is one of the most dominating factors contributing to teen alcohol addiction. Often, it gets difficult for teens to turn down the offers of their peers. Teasing behavior of peers might also trigger teens to consume alcohol.
Family problems, failing grades, anxiety, relationship stress, loneliness, responsibilities are some common issues teens face in growing up. CASA’s early studies state that highly stressed teens and more likely to consume alcohol than low stressed ones. These teens instead view drinking as an escape from their problems. Repeated abuse of alcohol changes the structure of their brains and results in alcohol addiction.
Lack Of Proper Knowledge And Authentic Information
Most teens are unaware of the dangerous consequences of drug addiction. Before they fully realize the catastrophe alcohol is causing to their body, it is too late. Furthermore, inaccurate information about drugs and alcohol from friends can lead to addiction. Unfortunately, mixing prescription drugs with alcohol is a common practice that can cause serious harmful effects on health.
Family Influence And Teen Alcohol Addiction
Research shows that children of alcoholic parents are four times more at risk of alcohol abuse than children of non-alcoholic parents. Furthermore, the risk is greater if the alcoholic parent is suffering from depression or other co-occurring diseases. Not only this, but if a parent or relative has dealt with alcohol abuse disorder previously, the children are more likely to develop it. Though it has nothing to do with genetics, being around members who drink naturally inclines these teens towards alcohol abuse.
Looking Cool Images
Teens think that consuming alcohol will give them an adult-like feeling. What alcohol abuse is to society is more like a fancy to them. Teens often have the mentality that consuming alcohol makes them look cool or appear dangerous. With the desire to create an image, they start drinking and get addicted to it quickly.
Statistics And Remedies Of Teen Alcohol Addiction
Addiction is no joke. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine states that seventy-five percent of teenagers have experimented with alcohol by graduating from high school. Starting from accidental falls, drowning, car crashes, fights to STIs, teenage pregnancy, homicide, suicide – alcohol becomes the sole cause.
Alcohol played a significant role in more than thirty percent of teenage deaths involving accidents, homicide, or suicide. You know what? Alcohol is the sole cause of 5.3% of deaths worldwide. Addicted teens will continue consuming alcohol even in their adulthood. Excessive alcohol consumption can have adverse effects on health, causing over 200 diseases. No parent would want to put their children at such risk. As a parent, you can’t supervise your children 24/7, but here are some tips regarding parental roles of Alcohol Addiction Remedy.
Adolescent Alcohol Addiction: Parental Guideline
Educate Your Child About The Adverse Effect Of Alcohol Abuse
Teach your teens to say no! Teach your teens that whenever their friend buys them a drink or refills their glass without their permission, they must learn to say no to it. If someone is giving them a hard time not drinking or forcing them to drink, they should stay away from such a toxic company. Also, they should consult parents or trusted adults regarding this issue.
Make Them Understand To Be Alone Than Being With A Bad Company
Remind them that better alone than in a bad company. If they complain about being socially isolated by peers just because they don’t drink, give them support. Associate them with people of good company. Don’t forget to keep track of who your children are mixing with.
Be Best Friend Of Your Teen
Be your teen’s best friends. As a parent, take out time for regular healthy discussions with your children. Educate your teens on alcohol abuse. Moreover, teach your teens the dangerously adverse effects alcohol has on an individual. Take them to Alcohol Addiction Remedy campaigns and constantly keep reminding them of the harms of alcohol.
Encourage Healthy Habits To Get Rid Of Adolescent Alcohol Addiction
Encourage and practice healthy habits. There are indeed innumerable ways to get rid of stress, and consuming alcohol isn’t one. Make sure your children have a healthy balanced diet. Furthermore, exercise regularly with them. Keep them busy by involving them active by involving in different sports, volunteering activities, exercise, reading books, etc.
Don’t Give Too Much Money
Apply financial squeeze on your teens. Reduce the pocket money so that they can’t buy drinks or other drugs. Keep an eye on what your teens are bringing home and their eating habits.
Be A Good Listener
Throw your teens out of the house? Snatch all their devices? Taking down their bedroom door? Have you ever heard youth say, “My parents threw me out of the house, and I had nowhere else to go? I slept on the front porch and shivered in the cold. I have learned my lesson and won’t take drugs anymore”? Using harsh methods on teens will only make things worse, hardening the youth’s hearts and inclining them against their parents. Listen to what they have to say and respect their opinions.
Bring Positive Examples Against Teen Alcohol Addiction
Setting positive examples is the most important. Since teen alcohol addiction is widely connected to family history, make sure that you aren’t the victim of alcohol abuse as your children’s closest associates. Giving up this addiction for the sake of a healthy family would be the wisest in this regard.
Bottom Line
Teen Alchohol addiction indeed is one of the issues. However, if you follow the tips that we have discussed today, you may help your adolescent get rid of such alcohol abuse issues. Last but not least, remember one crucial point. It is always wiser to monitor your child’s activities, both online and offline.
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