Social Media Monitoring Tips For Your Child’s Safety

Parents are concerned to learn more about social media monitoring tips. It has been found in a study that almost 22% of teenagers log on to their favorite social media sites more than ten times a day. And interestingly, around 75% of them own a cell phone. The use of social media has tremendously increased.

With such levels of engagement, there are several risks, including cyberbullying, Facebook depression, sexting, and exposure to inappropriate content. Social media certainly has adverse effects on our children.


Social Media Monitoring Tips
Follow Social Media Monitoring Tips And Ensure Your Child Safety On The Internet

Parents are certainly worried about monitoring social media to ensure child safety. Indeed there are many ways to monitor social media to ensure child safety and keep your children away from online predators. Are you worried about how to monitor social media to ensure child safety? You are in the right place. However, there are also some reasons why monitor teens’ electronic devices.

Social Media Monitoring Tips

Ensure Whether Your Child Should Use Facebook Or Not

Facebook’s age restriction is above 13 years old. However, our children are smart enough. They fill up the Facebook sign-up page mentioning that they are above thirteen years. Facebook doesn’t have a way to enforce it fully. It is because people can lie about their age. 

So, you should make sure that your children do not use Facebook until they are 13 years old. However,  some measures, such as minor reports, exist, but ultimately the parent should have the final say about whether the child should have an account or not.

Be A Good Example Of How To Use Social Media

Do you want to monitor social media for child safety? Ask yourself how you are using social media in your life. Trust us. What you do, certainly your children will follow you. So when you are using social media, keep good examples for your children. They will undoubtedly follow your examples.

Get To Know Your Child’s Habits Before Adopting Social Media Monitoring Tips

Just as you want to know which friends your child has at school, you need to be mindful of their online friends. There’s no need for you to be a spy and super sleuth on every online move your child makes, but you must be aware of sites your kid visits frequently and be mindful of people you are to associate with.  Indeed, ensure the environment for internet safety. An essential rule of contract should be that you have full access to your child’s Facebook friends, and you should be able to have a look whenever you want.

Why Don’t You Create The Ground Rules?

Do you think your child matured enough to use a computer? In that case, he or she must understand that they have to abide by the rules. And breaking those rules should have a consequence equal to breaking the law in the offline world. 

The best way to agree to the ground rules for families is to make a contract that all parties should sign. Parents and children are encouraged by the Online Family Safety Institute (FOSI) to have open discussions about the rules and their meanings. And here the Institute also offers a great example of such a contract. Thus, internet safety can also be ensured.

Ensure Child Privacy Settings To Ensure Child Safety

Be sure that you have the strictest upgraded Facebook and internet privacy settings. Besides, you can adjust the options tab settings, depending on the browser you are using. Moreover, change cookie settings, third-party site settings, and much more. On the other hand, this protection will also guard you against virus threats. Thus you can also ensure internet safety for your children.

Social Media Monitoring With Filtering Software

You can buy different software to monitor your children’s online activities. Popular spyware like Spouseware will allow you to monitor various social media sites, filter content, block chats, and many more. You can check the unique features provided by Spouseware

Social Media Monitoring By Keeping The Computer In A Central Location

Having control over online activity is much easier when the computer is placed in the high traffic area than if the child uses the computer in the privacy of his bedroom. So, put the computer in a centralized location. The living room may be a great example. However, such an environment will also ensure internet safety for your kids.

Urge Children To Avoid Quizzes, Contests, And Free Giveaways

Suddenly a pop-up advertisement appears and tells your child that they can win a free iPod by simply clicking on the link. Of course, such an offer will tempt everyone, especially children. Therefore, you must warn your child against falling for these internet tricks. Many of these tricks are simply attempts to obtain personal information. Tell your children that, even if they receive funny quizzes from their friends, it is better that they simply close the window and avoid participating.

Monitor The Photos That Your Children Message Online

Kids won’t post pictures of themselves online in an ideal world, but that’s not entirely realistic. If your child wants to share his photos with friends via social networking sites or email, make sure that you are aware of the photos your child posts. Ensure that the photo content being posted is entirely harmless. And that none of the identifiable places in the background are identifiable.

Limit Cell Phone Use

As you will limit television, game system, or computer, you can do this even with a cell phone. So set rules for cell phone use, only allowing cell phone use at certain times. It may be only in the evening or after completing homework.

Aware Them About Online Danger

Open communication is crucial from the minute your child starts using the internet independently. You might feel that you are scaring children by telling them about online dangers. However, it would be best if they become afraid of online threats. Be sure to remind your child that all people online are strangers. So standard rules should always be applied. Sometimes, our teenagers do chat with the unknown on social media. They even go on a date. As a result, our teenagers become victims of unsafe sex risk factors. Chlamydia is one of the examples.

Get To Know The Technology

Kids have quickly become proficient with the latest technology, and they can easily understand the nuances that new gadgets have, much easier than us in many cases. Every parent’s responsibility is to be aware of the critical features included in children’s devices. 

Final Words On Social Media Monitoring Tips

Spouseware is not too expensive if you compare it to other software available in the market today. Moreover, it is user-friendly. You can easily monitor social media to ensure child safety if you buy Spouseware. In return, you can ensure internet safety for your beloved children.